TL; DR The Quick Guide
- Good roadmaps show your strategy being brought to life - they show a sequence of deliverables against previously agreed outcomes. Bad roadmaps aren’t tied to a strategy or any specific outcomes - they’re just to-do lists
- The aim of a good roadmap is to give clarity about ambition and direction. Not to make a set of commitments about dates.
- Different levels in the organisation need different levels of detail in a roadmap: The higher up the org you go, you will need less detail but show activity a longer time frame.
- Prioritisation 1: Start with your big bets and build around them.
- Prioritisation 2: Remember it is a human and political process. Don’t expect a formula to do the work for you.
- Prioritisation 3: The sequence you do stuff in isn’t as important as the overall balance of what you do.
IMHO Simon’s Pocket Guide To Roadmapping and Prioritisation
Resources The Best Stuff on Roadmapping and Prioritisation